Friday, January 29, 2010

Grade 3: Carbon Foot Printing and the Importance of Global Citizenship

Description:The choices we make in our homes, our travel, the food we eat, and what we buy and throw away all influence the carbon footprint we leave on our environment. By making more environmentally-friendly choices, we can positively impact our environment on a local, national, and global level ensuring a healthier environment now and for generations to come.
Sign up method:Email:
Subjects:Technology/Information Science
Outcomes:Students will be able to develop a sense of interconnectedness to the global community, so that when they research carbon foot printing, they will generate solutions to positively impact their local community as well as impacting the global community as a whole.

Students will increase their background knowledge on the topic of carbon foot printing, so that when asked, they will successfully generate and deliver a presentation on the importance of global citizenship, and making smart environmental choices.
Methods and Activities:Key Experiments and Activities:

Dry Ice Experiment (45 min): In this experiment, students will be utilizing the scientific method to ultimately calculate the volume of dry ice that is equal to the quantity of CO2 that is generated each year by a typical American family. Key curricular concepts that will be covered include the phases of matter, density, and a concrete understanding of the measure of one ton of CO2. ( Resources used: BOCES Density Kits)

Completing Carbon Foot printing Calculator Survey (3-5 days): In this phase of the project, students and their families will be completing a survey containing general questions regarding their eating habits, travel, and the disposal of waste. Students will then be inputting this data, into an online survey which calculates the amount of CO2 (in tons) generated in a year by each family. Key curricular concepts that will be covered include: surveying, data collection, graphing, measurement, citizenship, and pollution.

Global Collaborative Discussion on Research Findings: To sum up this project, students will be using the Distance Learning Lab to communicate with another third grade possibly in China, who will have also completed the dry ice experiment, and carbon foot printing survey. Both classes will engage in a collaborative discussion in which the will report their findings, as well as discuss future goals and objectives based on what they have learned. Key curricular concepts that will be covered may include: critical thinking and problem-solving strategies, a cross-curricular unit on China, as well as summarizing and comprehension strategies.

Jenny Burroughs

Grades 6-9: Discussion about Helen Keller and Sarah Miller's Historical Fiction, Miss Spitfire

Description:I teach 6th grade language arts to AIG students and we are reading Miss Spitfire, which is story based on the life of Helen Keller. We are looking for a class to discuss the novel and life of Helen Keller.
Dates:February 16th - April 1st EDT
Sign up method:Email:
Grades:6, 7, 8, 9
Subjects:Elementary All Subjects, Language Arts/English, Social Studies/History
Outcomes:North Carolina Standard Course of Study for Langauge Art 5.01 Reading a Variety of Literary Genre.
Preparation Time Frame:You will need a few class periods prior to the connection to prepare your presentation and a 45-60 minute videoconference.
Methods and Activities:Preparation: Students could read the novel ahead of time, have knowledge of Helen Keller, or blindness.
Responsibilities:Teachers will facilitate the discussion as students participate.
Agenda:Agenda: 50-70 minutes (depending on class periods of participating classes)

5 min. Welcome and introductions. Each class shares their location and brief information about their school.
Visuals: Use the document camera or PowerPoint to share a few pictures of local interest.

15 min. Share Your Stance. Each student/group briefly shares their stance on the topic.
Visuals: Illustrations enhance the experience if there is time.

25-40 min. Discussion. Students from each class take turns discussing the issue. Students should include supporting facts and details from their research in all comments that they make. Participating classes may wish to assign a student facilitator for each class to assist in the flow of discussion.

5 min. Debrief and Conclusion. After the discussion, teachers may wish to debrief and comment on the process and content/curriculum discussed. If time is available, students may enjoy asking each other questions about their respective locations.
Credit:Celeste Young, Laura Corraro

Heather Blackwell


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Annual Megaconference Jr.

Mark Your Calendars for the 7th Annual Megaconference Jr. event to be held on February 25, 2010

To mark our 7th year of Megaconference Jr we have implemented some exciting changes to make the event even more interactive, collaborative and exciting for all involved.

*** NEW for 2010 ***
- VJ teams and interactive sites working together to share the development of each program segment
- Content-focused authentic programming
- Additional pre-event collaboration using videoconferencing, asynchronous planning tools and social networking
- Increased audience involvement through additional interactive seats
- A live social networking sites for all participants on the day of the event

Interactives Registration Still Open for Megaconference Jr. 2010

Don't miss this exciting opportunity on February 25, 2010 from 7am EST to 7pm EST (UTC -5) to interact with schools from around the world. The schedule of presentations in its new format is now posted on the website. Join VJ teams and and interactive sites from countries all around the world around specific content themes including:

Environment Caves led by Celje, Slovenia
Music Collaboration led by The Bolles School in Florida, USA
Read for a Change led by Scott Highlands Middle School, Minnesota, USA
Local History led by Plymouth Whitemarsh High School, Pennsylvania, USA
STEM led by Weaver Lake Elementary, Minnesota, USA
Explore the Exotic Culture of Charms led by National Dali High School, Taiwan

There are a limited number of interactive spots for each theme (registration for each session will close Jan. 27th (or when it has 10 interactive seats, whichever comes first) so be sure to sign up your school to get involved ASAP.

Join us sun up or sun down all around the world for the 7th Annual Megaconference Jr. global event.
General and Interactives Registration available at:

Please go to: and review the posted schedule prior to completing your registration. If you would like to be an interactive site with one of the sessions, go to the "register" link and complete the form selecting the session of your choice at the end of the registration form. When you have completed all fields click the "Submit" button. You should then receive an email confirmation. You will then be contacted directly by the VJ team to begin collaborating and planning your session. If you would only like to view the days events and not be an interactive, you should still register but will be listed as a web-stream view only site on the participants page.

Deadline for Interactive Registrations: January 27, 2010 (or until each session fills its 10 seats, whichever comes first)
Deadline for View-Only Registrations: February 25, 2010

All registered sites (interactive and view-only) will also have a chance to win exciting prizes from this year's sponsors - Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, Center for Puppetry Arts, The National World War II Museum, and The Cleveland Museum of Natural History. New sponsors and prizes continue to become available as well and will be posted on the website as we have them.

Join us sun up or sun down all around the world for
the 7 Year Anniversary of Megaconference Jr.
Jennifer Oxenford
484-604-0831 (google voice)
215-898-0341 (office)
215-74MAGPI (215-746-2474)

Grade 2: Snowmen at Night

I have an elementary teacher who is interested in getting a partner class for "Snowmen at night". The children will read the book (optional), and then they color/decorate a page with a snowman on it.

On a separate piece of paper students write three clues as to what their snowman does at night when everyone is sleeping (i.e. I gather lots of snow in my hand, I make snowballs, I throw them at my friends. The other class has to figure out what this snowman is doing - It is having a snowball fight).
Dates: January 27- February 12, 2010
Sign up method: Email:

Grades: 2
Subjects: Language Arts/English

Sign up method:
Language Arts/English

Marcie Kushion

St. Charles Community Schools

Grade 3: Storytelling - Sharing Multiculatural Folktales

We have a third grade class who has chosen folktales from different countries to learn. They have researched about the country and would like to share a retelling of their folktale using distance learning equipment. We are looking for a partner class to share folktales with us.
Between March 15 and April 15th
Sign up method:
Elementary All Subjects, Language Arts/English, Social Studies/History

Darci LaRose


Grade 3: Literature Circle

Third grade students who have been reading books and discussing The Underground Railroad would like to talk about this topic with 2nd-4th grade students who have been learning about this part of American history. Possible topics of discussion are:
The Drinking Gourd song and book
Who was Peg Leg Joe?
How slaves used songs, stories and freedom quilts to escape
Harriet Tubman, The Moses of her People

Feb 22, 2010 - April 16, 2010 12:30-1:20 EST
Sign up method:
Language Arts/English

Thea Delehanty


Grade 4: Literature Circle

Fourth grade literature circle who has read the novels The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes and The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson would like to discuss topics relating to these books. Possible topics of discussion are:
General discussion of either book
The problem of bullying in schools today
What makes some kids bullies and some kids victims
Ideas for lessoning the problem of bullies in schools
Feb. 22, 2010- April 16, 2010 12:30- 1: 20 EST
Sign up method:
Language Arts/English

Thea Delehanty


Grade 5: Literature Circle

Fifth grade literature circle who is learning about life in the American Colonies, Puritans and The Salem Witch Scare would like to discuss the historical fiction The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare. The students are currently working to design a web site about the people accused of witchcraft in Salem during the 1600's. Possible topics of discussion are:
What part the daily lives of girls living in Puritan communities in colonial America played in the witch hysteria of that time
How the daily lives of children have changed since colonial times
General discusssion of The Witch of Blackbird Pond
Feb. 22, 2010 - April 16, 2010 12:30-1:20 EST
Sign up method:
5, 6
Language Arts/English

Thea Delehanty