Tuesday, September 14, 2010

NORT2H Consortium Monster Exchange Project

The Monster Exchange project is a fun activity that encourages the development of reading and writing skills through artwork and technology. This classroom project will be a blended model of videoconferencing technology; an online collaboration tool called a wiki; scanning or digital photography and drawing. Classrooms throughout the NORT2H consortium will be paired together, dividing their classes into six groups. Each group will design an original picture of a monster to be shared with their partner group. The students in each group will write a description of their monster and post it to their page on the project wiki.

Classroom teachers will be asked to either scan or take a digital photo of the students' drawings and then label each group's photos with the teacher's name followed by the group number. Example: Hieronymus_group1. The images will be uploaded to an online photo gallery in Flickr. These images will be used by the NORT2H staff during the classes videoconferences.

The students will then use reading and comprehension skills to read the descriptions and create their own version of the Monster. The goal is for the students to redraw a picture as close to the original picture as possible. During a videoconference each group will read their descriptions to their partner group and share their picture. The recreated pictures will be shared online by a NORT2H facilitator for the groups to compare and contrast their pictures, discuss items left off the description or not included in the drawing.

This project idea is taken from the Internet project with the same name. To view details of that project, please visit www.monsterexchange.org

Registration Opens: September 7th through September 30th.
Connections will take place October 26 - October 27th

Register: http://nort2hmonster.wikispaces.com/

Paul Hieronymus
440.324.3172 x2

Grades 7-8: Colonization

Description: Looking to collaborate with a middle school classroom who is currently studying colonization. Please contact me if you would like to collaborate on an assignment/lesson or project. Thank you.

Dana Sirotiak
Jersey City, New Jersey
Dates: September 10th to October 31st
Sign up method:Email: dsirotiak@jcboe.org
Grades: 7, 8
Subjects: Social Studies/History, Technology/Information Science

Grades 9-12: International Law Festival March- April 2011

Description: A large two week international video conference conference allowing high schools from over 30 nations to debate (public debate) and mock trial to other people all over the world.
Sign up method:Email: mcunningham@del-valle.k12.tx.us
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Subjects: Business, Career Education, Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Social Studies/History, World Language

Grades 9-12: Lying Conference- Non Verbals Tell The Truth Sept. 21, 2010

Description:We have some room left in one of the most interactive conferences out there- a lying (non verbal) international video conference.
Dates:Sept. 21, 2010 7 am-11 am Central
Sign up method:Email: mcunningham@del-valle.k12.tx.us
Grades:9, 10, 11, 12
Subjects:Business, Career Education, Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Social Studies/History, World Language

Michael Cunningham
Phone: 512-386-3231
Time Zone: GMT-6: Central Standard Time

Grades 9-12: International Law Day Oct. 29, 2010

Celebrate International Law day with us as you watch and participate in mock trials all day long
Dates:Oct. 29, 2010 7:00 am to 5:00 pm
Sign up method:Email: mcunningham@del-valle.k12.tx.us
Grades:9, 10, 11, 12
Subjects:Business, Career Education, Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Social Studies/History, World Language

Michael Cunningham
Phone: 512-386-3231
Time Zone: GMT-6: Central Standard Time

Grades 9-12: Debates or Mock Trials For Lunch

We are looking for high school partners to debate and do mock trials with during your lunch. Fun, food, and entertainment.
Dates:Sept. 13, 2010 June 5, 2011 10:30-1:30 Central
Sign up method:Email: mcunningham@del-valle.k12.tx.us
Grades:9, 10, 11, 12
Subjects:Business, Career Education, Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Social Studies/History, World Language

Michael Cunningham
Phone: 512-386-3231
Time Zone: GMT-6: Central Standard Time

Grades 8-12: Mystery Artist Challenge

Description:A collaborative challenge to engage students in Art History. Each class will choose an artist and prepare 9 clues about him.

Details listed on a wiki here: http://katyvc.pbworks.com/Mystery+Artist+-+Favorite+Artists
Dates:Thursday, September 30
Sign up method:Website http://katyvc.pbworks.com/Mystery+Artist+-+Favorite+Artists
Grades:8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Subjects:Fine Arts

Linda McDonald
Phone: 281-396-2918
Katy ISD
Time Zone: GMT-6: Central Standard Time

Grades K-4: Weather Around the World

Description:We want to create a wiki to tell what weather is like in our part of Canada for the month of January, 2011. We would like other classrooms to tell us what the weather is like where they are from-- in pictures, words, or both.
Dates:January 1-31, 2011
Sign up method:Email: lzbaraschuk@srsd119.ca
Grades:PreK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4
Subjects:Science (Earth)
Outcomes:Weather-- how does location cause variations in weather conditions
Preparation Time Frame:1 month
Methods and Activities:I will create a wiki. You will provide a weekly weather report for your region (as simple or detailed as you like)and predictions about what the weather will be like next week. You may include photos.
Responsibilities:Teachers will have students track the daily temperature, precipitation, etc. Students will upload weekly summary and predictions to the wiki. Students will be encouraged to provide comments at the wiki site. At the end of the month, students can tell what they have learned.
Agenda:It would be great to conference with one class following the project to find out what students learned when making comparisons between world weather.


Grades K-5: Monster Match

Description:This project is designed for grades K-5th. Two classrooms will be paired up and each class will create a monster using “Monster-Match Approved” materials. The class will then write a description of their monster and post it online. Classes will then create a second monster and see if there is a monster match. Both classes will meet via videoconference to compare the original monsters with the recreated monsters.

This event is open to any school grade levels K-5th
Dates:Registration Begins Sept 1st, Closes September 30th
Sign up method:Website http://edlink12.net/vcspark/2010/08/monster-match/
Grades:K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12
Subjects:Elementary All Subjects, Fine Arts, Language Arts/English, Mathematics
Preparation Time Frame:Oct 1 - Oct 30th

John Ghazzagh
Phone: 254-297-1180
Cell: 254-855-6388
Education Service Center Region 12

Time Zone: GMT-6: Central Standard Time

Monday, September 13, 2010

Grades 4-5: Architectural Research and Models

Objective of Collaboration I would like to find 4th/5th grade class who would like to share research and creative models of architectural structures. We are a 4th/5th grade gifted class in PA.
Time Frame February 2011

Pam Phillippe
Education: Teacher
Southern Lehigh School District
Education: Elementary
Bethlehem, PA
United States
Phone: ext. 1144

Grade 11: Huckleberry Finn Unit

Objective of Collaboration We are about to study the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. We would like to find a class interested in correspondence, activities, discussions, etc. Preferably, we would love to find a school close to the Mississippi River that can give us insight into the culture of the setting of the story.
Time Frame November 2010 - December 2010

Kelli Cooper
Education: Teacher
Madison High School
Education: K-12 School
Rexburg, ID
United States

Grade 6: Gifted Reading Discussions

Objective of Collaboration   I would like to connect with another 6th grade reading class to share literature discussions about above grade level books. We could survey what students are reading and choose several books to discuss throughout the year.We are in PA and ideally I would like my students to connect to students in the Midwest, South, or West. We are available for collaboration from 1:15 to 2:45 any day.
Time Frame   October 2010 - May 2011  

Pam Phillippe
Education: Teacher
Southern Lehigh School District
Education: Elementary
Bethlehem, PA
United States
Phone: ext. 1144

Grades 4-6: Video Pals

Objective of Collaboration
As the technology teacher for grades 4-6, I would like to set up weekly/monthly conferences for each class for the school year. We are interested in all topics; Spanish, art, literature discussions, book discussions, photography, technology - you name it and we'll participate! I would like to begin in October and end in May and reflect on an entire year of learning.
Time Frame October 2010 - May 2011

Jeanne Jeffrey
Education: Media/Technology Specialist
North Caldwell BOE
Education: Elementary
North Caldwell, NJ
United States

Grades 9-12: Technology Day October 19th

Objective of Collaboration
We are having a Technology Day the morning of October 19, 2010 from 7:30-9:30am and we would like to provide a videoconferencing experience for our 9-12 teachers.
Time Frame October 2010

Carmine Iacullo
Ed. Service Centers/Consortiums: Technology
West Orange Board of Education
Education: High School
West Orange, NJ
United States
Phone: ext. 244

Grades 3-4: Pen Pals

Objective of Collaboration   I am looking for a class of 3rd grade students who would like to pen pal each month. Then, in May, we would like to video conference and meet! Our target class is one who is in the polar, temperate or tropical regions, because that is what our social studies curriculum encompasses. We are located in Southern Maryland and experience a nice variety of all seasons.
Time Frame   September 2010 - May 2011

Jamie Penny
Education: Teacher
Indian Head ES
Education: K-12 School
Indian Head, MD
United States

Grade 1: Book Skits

Objective of Collaboration I have four first grade classes interested in video conferencing skits from our favorite books. We will decide on a children's author and then each class will do an author study. Then each class will pick a book to present a skit or song. Each author study will be done with one of my classes and one of yours. I am hoping I can find four first grade classes so each of my classes can participate in this project.
Time Frame September 2010 - May 2011

Jennifer Boone
Education: Teacher
Jefferson Public Schools
Education: Elementary
New Albany, IN
United States

Grades 10-12: Into the Wild Discussion

Objective of Collaboration AP Language Class looking for a class in Alaska to discuss the book Into the Wild and to learn about your culture.
Time Frame September 2010 - October 2010

Ruth Allen
Education: Media/Technology Specialist
Lambert HS
Education: High School
Cumming, GA
United States

Grades 2-7: Fairy Tales

Objective of Collaboration
7th grade students have created their own fairy tale. We are looking for an audience who could watch their 20 minute presentation at 8:00 AM Pacific Time on Friday, September 17th. The audience could use the video conference for your own standards such as looking for characters, setting, conflict (problem), climax, resolution… Or, you can use it to discuss the characteristics of fairy tales as a genre. Etc.

Would you be interested? It would take a maximum of 20 minutes. Please contact me via email.
Time Frame September 2010
Target Audience Education: Grade(s): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Contact Information
Tracy Watanabe
Education: Media/Technology Specialist
Education: Middle/Jr. High
Apache Junction, AZ
United States
Phone: ext. 2041