Tuesday, September 14, 2010

NORT2H Consortium Monster Exchange Project

The Monster Exchange project is a fun activity that encourages the development of reading and writing skills through artwork and technology. This classroom project will be a blended model of videoconferencing technology; an online collaboration tool called a wiki; scanning or digital photography and drawing. Classrooms throughout the NORT2H consortium will be paired together, dividing their classes into six groups. Each group will design an original picture of a monster to be shared with their partner group. The students in each group will write a description of their monster and post it to their page on the project wiki.

Classroom teachers will be asked to either scan or take a digital photo of the students' drawings and then label each group's photos with the teacher's name followed by the group number. Example: Hieronymus_group1. The images will be uploaded to an online photo gallery in Flickr. These images will be used by the NORT2H staff during the classes videoconferences.

The students will then use reading and comprehension skills to read the descriptions and create their own version of the Monster. The goal is for the students to redraw a picture as close to the original picture as possible. During a videoconference each group will read their descriptions to their partner group and share their picture. The recreated pictures will be shared online by a NORT2H facilitator for the groups to compare and contrast their pictures, discuss items left off the description or not included in the drawing.

This project idea is taken from the Internet project with the same name. To view details of that project, please visit www.monsterexchange.org

Registration Opens: September 7th through September 30th.
Connections will take place October 26 - October 27th

Register: http://nort2hmonster.wikispaces.com/

Paul Hieronymus
440.324.3172 x2