Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Grades 7-12: Experiencing Videoconferencing (Possibly with GeoQuest)

Description:I am a computer teacher at an alternative high school for 9th graders in Rapid City, SD. I am eager to have students utilize our video conferencing system to provide them with experiences using different methods of communication.

In addition to focusing on how to participate effectively in a videoconference, it may be worthwhile to include a GeoQuest. We'll provide you with clues about where we live to lead your students to guess our location. Your students could do the same if you choose.

My dream would be to eventually have them connect with students from another country in hopes of creating greater cultural awareness and understanding.
Dates:May 12, 2010 - 8:15 am Mtn Time and 9:15 am Mtn Time (2 conferences)
Sign up method:Email:
Grades:7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Subjects:Career Education, Social Studies/History, Technology/Information Science

Gena Messer

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Grade 3: Poetry Presentation

Description:Our classroom has been working on a Lucy Calkins poetry unit. We are looking for a classroom to share in our writer's celebration. We wish to link to a classroom who has also written poems to be shared. Our hope is for our students to read their poems aloud as well as the other class to read and share their poems.
Dates:Monday, May 3 10:30-11-ish
Sign up method:Email:
Subjects:Elementary All Subjects, Language Arts/English

Lisa Wickman
Time Zone: GMT-5: Eastern Standard Time

Grades K-2: Study of Animals

Description: K-2 Students present or lead an interaction on the study of animals. Both classes share what they are learning about animals.

There are several potential ways to present/lead an interaction:

We need five partners: 4 kindergarten and 1 first grade.
Dates: May 11 - 13. See the wiki schedule for the times that are still open.
Sign up method:Website
Grades: K, 1
Subjects: Elementary All Subjects, Science (Life)

Janine Lim
Berrien RESA
Time Zone: GMT-5: Eastern Standard Time

Grades K-6: Elementary Voicethread End of Year Project

Description:Want a way to engage your Elementary students in an end of the year project that will have them be creative, communicate and collaborate amongst themselves as well as with other Elementary classes around the US and World?
Then, join us for a Voicethread project of your school and/or class and upload it to our wiki: and into their grade level page (page on the left).
Simply have your students take appropriate pictures, then upload into Voicethread (free and easy to use Educator sign up if needed:
Then, we can help get it into the wiki.
Your kids will love to see their pictures posted and commented on by others! What a great way to engage them and show off your school.
Maybe there will be other Distance Learning connections to spin off afterwards, we'll see.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts,
Mark Carls
Feel free to e-mail for help:
Dates:Between Mon. April 26th and Thurs. June 3rd for uploading into wiki
Sign up method:Website
Grades:PreK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Subjects:Elementary All Subjects

Mark Carls
Time Zone: GMT-5: Eastern Standard Time

Grades 9-12: Mock Crash: Teen Drinking and Driving Prevention

We do a large mock crash project complete with a wrecked car, ambulances, etc, to discuss teen drinking. After the outside scene, we have an assembly to discuss drinking/driving. We are interested in finding a school who would like to watch a video presentation of our mock crash scene and then discuss with our group of juniors and seniors how to prevent teen alcohol use. Your students can be any age grades 6-12. Our assembly is May 20 so the collaboration can be a mutually agreeable time after that day.  Time--about an hour. We are flexible to work out a program that suits both of us. Our program is run by our SADD club.

Terry Morriston
Education: Media/Technology Specialist
Peters Twp HS
Education: High School
McMurray, PA
United States
Phone: (724) 941-6250

Grades 9-12: Mock Trial

Our Law Mentoring Class is seeking a class to serve as a jury for a mock trial that we will perform here. We will have one student be the judge while our law class will take the part of defendants and plaintiffs. The observing class will be the jury. We expect this to run about 2 hours, but we are flexible. We are seeking HS juniors/seniors. We would like to do this near the end of May.

Terry Morriston
Education: Media/Technology Specialist
Peters Twp HS
Education: High School
McMurray, PA
United States
Phone: (724) 941-6250

Grades K-5: Intercambio Espanol - English

Buscando escuelas que deseen tener una sesion de 20 minutos para hacer una presentacion de los estudiantes utilizando vocabulario en los dos idiomas y una actividad sea una cancion o un juego interactivo. Grados de jardin a quinto de primaria.

Beatriz Betancourt Cortes
Education: Teacher
Parsippany BOE
Education: K-12 School
Parsippany, NJ
United States
Phone: (201) 407-7932

Grades 5-6: Global Issues

Two classrooms of students (10-12 years old) one from Canada and one from the United States have developed a "Global Issues" blog with activities and discussion forums for students. Anyone with students in the same age category is welcome to participate in some or all of the activities which are outlined on the pages of the blog. The culminating activity is a global issues writing celebration with students composing songs, poems or speeches that will be recorded and shared in a variety of ways. A detailed project proposal is available on the blog. Check the menu on the right and select "Teacher Pages" for details. You can access the blog at:

Interested teachers can feel free to have their students comment on the topics and participate in the forums that are posted. More activities may be added as we work through the topics!

Grade 3: Measuring Shadows

My third class is measuring their shadows and they want to know if their shadow would be different if they lived in a place with less or more sun. We live in Michigan.

Kelly Alford
Education: Teacher
Oaktree Elementary
Education: Elementary
Goodrich, MI
United States
Phone: (810) 591-5200 ext. 1512

Grades 2-4: Poetry Polooza

In celebration of National Poetry Month, my classroom of 3rd graders has been examining various types of poetry, reading poetry by various authors, and writing their own original free verse poetry. In celebration of National Poetry Month, Thursday, April 29th is Poem in Your Pocket Day. The idea is just that - people from all around the country are encouraged to select a poem that they love and then to carry it with them throughout the day to share with others. I am looking for a class in which to share some of our favorite poems with on April 29th, preferably, the afternoon from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. We would also love to hear some of your favorite poems, be it from published authors or the authors in your classroom!

Vanessa Moran
Education: Teacher
Meadowbrook Elementary School
Education: Elementary
Green Bay, WI
United States
Phone: (920) 662-5090

Monday, April 26, 2010

Grades 5-12: DON'T TEXT AND DRIVE!

Texting and driving is a serious issue taking shape on the highways and roads today. It is a global issue and deserves global attention. Students at Asher Public School, Asher, Oklahoma, are currently collaborating with students in Indiana, Illinois, Washington, Texas, and Pennsylvania. Pertinent to this project is the element of utilizing 21st century pedagogy to create engaging opportunities for students not only to create knowledge, but produce knowledge. Using Skype, Wikis, and a Ning, students are actively learning by creating a learning network that encourages them to interpret, reflect, analyze, apply, synthesize, and evaluate through meaningful, authentic pedagogy. Join our efforts. Visit our Ning @

Whitney Allen
Education: Media/Technology Specialist
Asher Public School
Education: District
Asher, OK
United States
Phone: (405) 784-2331