Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fairy Tale Rewrite

Let’s put a modern twist on our beloved fairy tales and fables! Participate in a videonference for 3rd and 4th graders or 6th and 7th graders to share our modern versions of yester-year’s stories.
Students can work individually, in groups, or a class story can be developed. Teachers are encouraged to have students work in pairs or groups.
Students should pick a fairy tale or fable that they want to rewrite.
Teachers/classes select rewrites to share with their partner class.
Students are encouraged to create pictures and artwork that compliments their story.
Send date/time/grade level of interest to We will try to find a match for you.
Each class will get 25 minutes to share their stories.

Dates: Between Oct. 19, 20,21, and 26,27,28 from 8:30-11:00am CST
Sign up method: Email:
Grades: 3, 4, 6, 7
Subjects: Language Arts/English

Kim Fritz
Phone: 281 284 0416
Clear Creek ISD
League City, Texas

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Looking for a Kindergarten Partner Class

I have worked as a technology integrator teacher for 14 years in a suburban NY school, but in September 2010 I will begin a new assignment teaching kindergarten. I am interested in partnering with another kindergarten class in the US to learn about different characteristics of their area (weather, landforms, animals, etc.), share favorite books, discuss "All About Me" projects with student buddies, or any other activity that would benefit our children. I am very open to suggestions and ideas!

Colleen Drummond
Kindergarten Teacher
Spackenkill School District
Education: Elementary
Poughkeepsie, NY
United States
Phone: (845) 463-7840

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Gr 6-12 Food and Culture - a Global Collaborative Project

Using food as the common entry point, this project will bring together students from every country and every grade level to explore food, cultures, social and environmental issues, health, nutrition, etc.

We will create a number of final products including a global cookbook with information on each country, a global database of children's literature, student-made videos. .


Join us at

There is a minimal support and curriculum resources fee of $50/teacher or $400/campus

June 2010 - December 2012

Anne Shaw
21st Century Schools
Austin, TX
United States
Phone: (850) 457-2946

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