Monday, July 19, 2010

Gr 8-12 Face it-TRace it-Erase it

The purpose of this project is to pick one topic from the list of “Issues facing the World” inventory.
1. Pick a topic
2. Your teacher will be your helper
3. You will be connected to students in other countries that picked the same topic.
4. FACE IT: You and your team mates will use technology to create files that define your ISSUE and describe it so everyone understands what the issue is
5. TRACE IT: You and your teammates will send files back and forth to each other, using whatever method works the best, and you will research the ISSUE using the Internet. You will create graphs, charts, PowerPoint, and any other methods necessary to trace the history of this issue. You will tell us where it exists today and you will prove that you are knowledgeable about the topic by using whatever means possible. There are no limits.
6. ERASE IT: You and your team will come up with at least 1 solution to the problem. You will reveal this solution using digital video if possible. We would like you to put this solution on YOUTUBE.
7. Technical help will be provided by me and my assistants. We will answer any questions and guide you through this project. You will never be alone.

Time Frame
July 2010 - May 2012
Target Audience
Education: Grade(s): 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Best Practice, Economics/Business, Gifted & Talented, International, Problem Solving, Sciences, Social Studies/History, Technology/Information Science

Jack Strelec
Education: Teacher
Colorado Springs School District 11
Education: High School
Colorado Springs, CO
United States
Phone: (719) 520-2768

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Gr 3-8: Jim Thorpe Project/Virtual Field Trip Collaboration

Hello, my name is Tammy Parks, and I teach multimedia/broadcast journalism at Howe Public Schools in Howe, OK. For the past 3 years, my students have created virtual field trips (VFT) as part of the Kids Creating Community Content Contest sponsored by the Center for Interactive Learning and Collabortaion and Tandberg. My students have placed in the contest each year, 1st place in 2008, 3rd and 4th in 2009, and 1st and 2nd in 2010.

This year, one of our chosen topics is Oklahoma Native American, Jim Thorpe. We are looking for collaborators specifically from Lawrence, KS, Carlisle, PA, and/or Jim Thorpe, PA, but are open to any passionate teacher/classroom. We would llike to collaborate (Skype, Wiki, etc.) on research, project development, and/or invite an audience to "take" our student created VFT via H.323 technologies. We would prefer an audience who has access to a 1:1 computer lab during the actual presentation.

Feel free to leave a post/fact/resource/hello on our Wall Wisher at:

This project will be aligned to state/national standards as well as ISTE NETS*S.

You can follow our project development at:

Project Time Line: Fall/Winter 2010

Thank you! We would love to hear from you! You can contact me at

Read more about past projects:

Live and On Location! Mount Vernon

Featured in Tech & Learning June 2009 "Create Your Own Content"

Students Virtually Tour Fort Smith National Historic Site

Time Frame
July 2010 - March 2011
Target Audience
Education: Grade(s): 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Character Education, Community Interests, Language Arts/English, Social Studies/History, Technology/Information Science
Internet 2,

Tammy Parks
Education: Teacher
Howe Public Schools
Education: K-12 School
Howe, OK
United States
Phone: (918) 658-2372

*Posted from CILC - Join for free at