Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Grades 9-12: Mock Crash: Teen Drinking and Driving Prevention

We do a large mock crash project complete with a wrecked car, ambulances, etc, to discuss teen drinking. After the outside scene, we have an assembly to discuss drinking/driving. We are interested in finding a school who would like to watch a video presentation of our mock crash scene and then discuss with our group of juniors and seniors how to prevent teen alcohol use. Your students can be any age grades 6-12. Our assembly is May 20 so the collaboration can be a mutually agreeable time after that day.  Time--about an hour. We are flexible to work out a program that suits both of us. Our program is run by our SADD club.

Terry Morriston
Education: Media/Technology Specialist
Peters Twp HS
Education: High School
McMurray, PA
United States
Phone: (724) 941-6250