Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Grades K-4: Weather Around the World

Description:We want to create a wiki to tell what weather is like in our part of Canada for the month of January, 2011. We would like other classrooms to tell us what the weather is like where they are from-- in pictures, words, or both.
Dates:January 1-31, 2011
Sign up method:Email: lzbaraschuk@srsd119.ca
Grades:PreK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4
Subjects:Science (Earth)
Outcomes:Weather-- how does location cause variations in weather conditions
Preparation Time Frame:1 month
Methods and Activities:I will create a wiki. You will provide a weekly weather report for your region (as simple or detailed as you like)and predictions about what the weather will be like next week. You may include photos.
Responsibilities:Teachers will have students track the daily temperature, precipitation, etc. Students will upload weekly summary and predictions to the wiki. Students will be encouraged to provide comments at the wiki site. At the end of the month, students can tell what they have learned.
Agenda:It would be great to conference with one class following the project to find out what students learned when making comparisons between world weather.
