Columbiana ESC and NCOESC would like to invite third grade classrooms from around the state of Ohio to participate in our “Guess What Town” project.
This project focuses on the geography of Ohio. Via videoconferencing students will present a total of 10 clues based on the themes of geography (on website listed below) about the town in which the school is located.
They will then present them to other Ohio schools. Once all ten clues have been shared then students will try to figure out the location of all the towns they connected with.
This will project will include three videoconferences
* Videoconference 1 (Wed. March 24th)– Introduce each site. Each site
will be named a color to keep it’s identity a secret for instance Blue
Town, Pink Town, etc.. Students will share there first 5 clues
* Videoconference 2 (Wed. April 14th)– Students will re-connect and
share the remaining 5 clues.
* Videoconference 3 (Wed. April 28th) – Students will then “Guess What
Towns” they were connected with.
Dates may be adjusted due to weather. Deadline to sign up is March 18th.
Preperation for Connection
Creative ways to give clues – Students can you use clues on paper and read them aloud, they can show pictures, power points or video clips. The can show three-dimensional objects on the document camera. This is a great opportunity to let students use their creative minds to share information.
To see and example of last years Guess What Town project and to find the Geography themes please go to the link below.
Katrina Moore M.Ed
CCESC Distance Learning Consultant
Office: 330-424-9591
Cell: 216-346-2651
Kathleen Mohr
Educational Technologist/Professional Development North Central Ohio Educational Service Center Tiffin Center
65 St. Francis Avenue
Tiffin, Ohio 44883