Monday, March 29, 2010

Grade 8: Reconstruction in Texas

Description:Students will research online and local resources and participate in a free video conference with the National Archives to discover what reconstruction looked like in their community. Who were the community leaders who emerged? Who were the leaders in position of influence who helped the community? What events are noted? Is evidence of reconstruction still found in your community today? Reconstruction in the south was a time of great change, animosity, resentment and growth. Students will use this information to create and present a multimedia project other classes or schools.
Dates:May 5-May 20 time TBA
Sign up method:Email:
Subjects:Social Studies/History
Outcomes:TEKS (24C)(24D)(30B)(31D)(32A)(30B)(31B)(31D) (32B)(10A)(9A,B,C)
Preparation Time Frame:3 class periods to research, one for the video conference, 2 to prepare the presentation,one to present
Agenda:5 min. Welcome and introductions. Each class shares their location and brief information about their school.
Visuals: Each class creates an animoto to share information about their school and location.
30 min. Presentations. Each class shares a 15 minute demonstration and/or presentation on the assigned topic. Teachers should negotiate who will cover what to prevent duplication.
Visuals: Must me multimedia

15 min. Question and answer. Each class has prepared questions for the other on the content and generates questions while/after listening to the presentation. After the content questions, if time remains, students may enjoy asking each other questions about their respective locations and schools.

Charlee Hagan