Monday, October 25, 2010

Grades K-12: Session Proposal for 4th Annual PPS Megaconference: School 2.0

Status Seeking Partners
Contact Information Jessica Kos
Education: Media/Technology Specialist
Pittsburgh Public Schools
Education: K-12 School
Pittsburgh, PA
United States
Phone: (412) 390-2762
Objective of Collaboration Session Proposals due 10/25/10... submit at ...join our team today!! Based on the concept and design of the world-wide Megaconference Jr., The PPS Megaconference is an IVC project designed to give Pittsburgh Public Schools students in elementary and secondary schools around the city the opportunity to communicate, collaborate and contribute to each other's learning in real time with you!! Presenters design and conduct videoconference-based presentations and activities focused on both academic and cultural issues. Limited external sites will be able to connect. EVENT DATE: 11/18/10 from 8:00a-2:30p EST. Visit for more info!!
Time Frame October 2010 - November 2010
Target Audience Education: Pre-K Students, Kindergarten, Grade(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12