Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Grades 11-12: Trivia Pursuit in Spanish / English

Contact Information Lance Hagman
Education: Teacher
ISD 2165
Education: High School
Hinckley, MN
United States
Phone: (320) 384-6132 ext. 2111
Objective of Collaboration Students will "connect" and quiz one another by reading Trivia Pursuit questions in Spanish. In a perfect world, I would like to find a mainly Spanish speaking class of students to read questions in English while our students read them in Spanish. Students would answer in their "non-native" language. Our Spanish teacher would like to do this with her 3rd year students at 10 AM to 11 AM CST. Times are slightly adjustable, but limited to the morning. This could be a one-time deal or repeated.
Time Frame November 2010 - January 2011
Target Audience Education: Grade(s): 11, 12