Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Grade 3: Flat Stanley Pen Pals 2011

Contact Information Heidi Alexander
Education: Media/Technology Specialist
Jefferson Parish Public School System
Education: Elementary
Marrero, LA
United States
Phone: (504) 349-8966
Objective of Collaboration We are a 3rd grade class in Kenner, Louisiana and we are beginning our Flat Stanley project. We are looking for a partner class that will be able to correspond with us once or twice a month via email (we plan to use ePals email). We would also like to have a video conference at the end of the project to meet one another and have a cultural exchange. Ideally we would like a class that has approximately 21-23 students. Please email me if you are interested!
Time Frame January 2011 - May 2011
Target Audience Education: Grade(s): 3
Disciplines Language Arts/English, Social Studies/History
Technology ISDN, IP,

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