Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Grades 2-6: Puzzles for Gifted & Talented Learners in Elementary Grades

Status Seeking Partners
Contact Information Elvira Deyamport
Education: Teacher
Thames Elementary
Education: Elementary
Hattiesburg, MS
United States
Phone: (601) 582-6655 ext. 3052
Objective of Collaboration Our students have been working on several Rebus Puzzles and Lateral Thinking Puzzles throughout the year. We would like to chat with other G/T classses via Skype to solve more puzzles. We have several puzzles to start with and would like for our partner class to share some that they have found for us to solve. Feel free to email me for details or examples of these puzzles. Our chats can last from 30-45 minutes.
Time Frame February 2011 - April 2011
Target Audience Education: Grade(s): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Disciplines Gifted & Talented
Technology IP,

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