Monday, March 28, 2011

Grades 8-12: Law Day 2011

Contact Information Maria Markatos
Education: Media/Technology Specialist
Newark Public Schools/Technology High School
Education: High School
Newark, NJ
United States
Phone: (973) 497-5715
Objective of Collaboration Technology High School is hosting LAW DAY on Thursday, April 28 from 8:30am-12:30pm.

Watch a court-room drama unfold. Be part of the jury. Six students from Technology High School will work along-side actual trial lawyers as witnesses to the case.

The case is about a high school student whose bookbag is searched and whose text messages reveal possible drug involvement. Teachers interested in reviewing the fact pattern should contact Mr. Tariq Raheem ( or Ms. Maria Markatos (

To register for the event please go to"
Time Frame March 2011 - April 2011
Target Audience Education: Grade(s): 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, K-12 Educator
Disciplines Language Arts/English, Performing Arts, Social Studies/History, Technology/Information Science
Technology IP,

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