Thursday, May 5, 2011

Grades 7-12: Impact of Climate Change on Global Indigenous Communities

Description:Join us as we go, LIVE, around the world to hear the stories of how Indigenous communities in the southern tip of Brazil and the rainforests of Central America are struggling to deal with deforestation, how hunters in the Arctic are dealing with the melting polar ice cap, and how the coastal communities of Australia and New Zealand are struggling with dying coral reefs and dwindling fish stock.

Students will network globally, posting their thoughts and research online through an interactive webpage while being mentored by elders, graduate students and researchers from around the world starting May 18th, culminating in a LIVE video conference/webcast on May 25th, 10:00-23:00 (GMT-6, MDT).

For more information, contact Terry Godwaldt,
Dates:May 25, from 10:00-23:00 MDT, Individual hour long sessions
Sign up method:Email:
Grades:7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Subjects:Career Education, Fine Arts, Health, Language Arts/English, Performing Arts, Physical Education, Science (Life), Science (Physical), Science (Earth), Social Studies/History, Technology/Information Science, World Language

Terry Godwaldt
Phone: 780-476-8671
Queen Elizabeth High School
Time Zone: GMT-7: Mountain Standard Time