We are looking for 7th grade classes that are willing to join us in a face to face (Distance Learning) Social Studies challenge.
In January we are studying China, Mongolia, and Taiwan.
I propose that we pit our classes against one another in a knowledge/trivia question setting. Our students will study 4 aspects of China, Mongolia, and Taiwan. Those categories are Geography, Recent Politics, Economy/Resources, and History.
My idea is that before we meet each class divides up into four centers, one for each category. The students develop 10 general knowledge questions from each category.
When we get together via distance learning we will take turns asking each other questions.
Please assign a team captain from each category to ask and answer the questions. (The group helps answer but no books or outside help)
Assign a scorekeeper and the first team to 20 (or whatever number we chose) wins.
So, what do you think? Comments, improvements? I have three different classes and can play three different games a game with as many classes as possible. We could do Japan in February.
Note: The teacher must check the questions to ensure that they are common knowledge/seventh grade level question.
January or February 8 to 2:30 EST
Ashley Williamson M.Ed., NBCT