Friday, March 19, 2010

Grade 3: Cinco de Mayo Pinata Match

Description: Students at Pittsburgh Carmalt in Pittsburgh are working in a collaborative group to build a 3-Dimensional animal pinata and would like to challenge a partner class to do the same! Each of our 3rd grade classrooms will work with the Art instructor to construct a pinata from a designated list of supplies!
As a class, students will work with the teacher to draft a descriptive paragraph to send to the partner class. When received, the partner class will work to construct an animal pinata to meet the other classes description.

At the beginning of May, we will meet with the partner class via video conference to compare and contrast our pinatas and the importance of descriptive writing skills!
Sign up by April 5. So your project will be complete by the beginning of May.

Please email Natalie at for sign up
Supply list will be sent once you sign-up.
Dates: May 3 - May 7 10:00-2:00 EST
Sign up method:Email:
Grades: 3
Subjects: Elementary All Subjects, Language Arts/English, Technology/Information Science

Sue Conlon