Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Grades 3-5: Wildflowers Across America

Description:Students will locate a local wildflower and take a digital photograph of the wildflower. During the videoconference, students will provide clues about the wildflower to their partner class. The partner class will try to guess the correct common name of the wildflower. Finally, the presenter will present any other interesting information about the wildflower. The presentation of each wildflower should be no more than 3 minutes.
Dates: April 26th and May 7th from 9:00-11:45 EDT
Sign up method:Email: casadescott@yahoo.com
Grades: 3, 4, 5
Subjects: Elementary All Subjects, Science (Life)
Outcomes:Students will be able to:

identify local wildflowers.

use a digital camera to take a picture of their wildflower.

identify needs/conditions for their wildflower to grow.

present an oral report on their wildflower.

understand why wildflowers are protected.
Preparation Time Frame:You will need a few class periods prior to the connection to prepare your presentation and a 45-60 minute videoconference.
Methods and Activities:Pre conference activities: Students will need to locate local wildflowers and take a digital photograph of the wildflower.

Students will need to research their wildflower and create clues about their wildflower to help their partner class identify the wildflower. Also, other interesting information about the wildflower should be prepared for presentation.
Responsibilities:Students will provide clues and a photograph of the wildflower to help the partner class identify the wildflower.

For example, " Here is photograph of the wildflower. 1. This wildflower's name contains a name of the month. 2. This wildflower loves to grow in shady, woody areas. 3. Little "apples" are produced on this wildflower. What am I? (May Apple)"

The partner class will try to guess the name of the wildflower and then the presenter might add a few other interesting facts about their wildflower.
Agenda:5 min. Welcome and introductions. Each class shares their location and brief information about their school.
Visuals: Use the document camera or PowerPoint to share a few pictures of local interest.

30 min. Presentations. Each class shares a 15 minute demonstration and/or presentation on the assigned topic. Teachers should negotiate who will cover what to prevent duplication.
Visuals: Can be PowerPoint with digital pictures of the wildflowers

15 min. Question and answer. Each class has prepared questions for the other on the content and generates questions while/after listening to the presentation. After the content questions, if time remains, students may enjoy asking each other questions about their respective locations and schools.
Other:Each class will take turns presenting a wildflower one at a time.

Teachers may want to have students work/present in groups due to time restraints.
