Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Grade 3: Summer-Travel the US

Description:Webster, Wisconsin class is seeking a 3rd grade class from another state to learn more about each other's corner of the United States. 2010 video conferencing dates and times available as follows: June 14-17 Monday-Thursday. We would like a video conference each day so we are looking for several partners. We are doing several and have created a google document for you to schedule. Here is the link: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AoqqGk45NxkwdEVRWVB4dHNTbEwtTGc4bWZoRmVIN0E&hl=en
Dates:June 14-June 17 9:15 - 10:00 am
Sign up method:Email: conniem@cesa11.k12.wi.us
Subjects:Technology/Information Science

Connie Manske
715-986-2020 x2
CESA #11
Time Zone: GMT-6: Central Standard Time