Monday, May 10, 2010

Grades 6-12: Poetry Jam

We are looking to hear from young poets. Middle School students will present in the morning and High School students will present in the afternoon.
Dates:May 19, 2010 - Middle School AM Session 9:30-11:30 am EST - High School PM session 12:00- 2:00pm EST
Sign up method:Website
Grades:6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Subjects:Language Arts/English, Performing Arts
3.1.12.G.10 Identify and understand the author’s use of idioms, analogies, metaphors, and similes, as well as metrics, rhyme scheme, rhythm, and alliteration in prose and poetry.
3.1.12.G.9 Analyze how an author's use of words creates tone and mood, and how choice of words advances the theme or purpose of the work
3.2.12.B.1 Analyzing characteristics, structures, tone, and features of language of selected genres and apply this knowledge to own writing.
3.2.12.D.7 Demonstrate personal style and voice effectively to support the purpose and engage the audience of a piece of writing.
3.3.12.D.1 Speak for a variety of purposes (e.g., persuasion, information, entertainment, literary interpretation, dramatization, and personal expression).
3.3.12.D.3 Demonstrate effective delivery strategies (e.g., eye contact, body language, volume, intonation, and articulation) when speaking
3.3.12.D.6 Use a rubric to self-assess and improve oral presentations.
Methods and Activities:Prior to the conference:
Introduce the lesson by reviewing poetry terms
Explain the procedure that will be used when students present their poems
Review effective delivery strategies
Emphasize the necessity of students’ being a respectful audience for their peers
Distribute poetry presentation rubric and discuss components
Give students an opportunity to volunteer to present poems first
After each presentation give students time to complete poetry presentation rubric
Responsibilities:The students will:
1.Compose an original poem using similes, metaphor, hyperboles and personification
2.Present their poem via ITV using effective delivery strategies (e.g., eye contact, body language, volume, intonation, and articulation) when speaking.
3.Include audio-visual aids if they enhance the poem (ex. PowerPoint backdrop)
4.Engage in a question and answer session about their poetry with students from remote sites
5.Summarize, make judgments, and evaluate the content and delivery of oral presentations.
Each student will have no more than 4 minutes total for their presentation including questions and answers.
The participating teachers will evaluate the poems and presentations and select the best from their site to present. Each school should have 5-6 students prepared to present and expect at least 3 to present.
9:30 am -11:30 am - Middle School
12:00pm - 2:002:00 pm -High School
Agenda:Technology High School will open the program and call upon schools to present. The schools will present in a round robin fashion. Each site will have 3-5 students present their original poetry. Each presentation will be 4 minutes or less, including questions, answers and comments. All microphones are to be muted except when schools are called upon to present.

Maria I Markatos
973 497 5715
Technology High School