Monday, March 21, 2011

Grades K-12: Creating a Sustainable World: LIVE from Canada, Borneo (with Orangutans) and Australia

Objective of Collaboration Over the course of this hour long video conference, you will hear how a school in Canada is embarking on a quest to create the truly Sustainable School, link LIVE to the jungles of Borneo and talk directly to Orangutans and learn how your school can be star in a major 3D movie to help save the world.

On April 7th, from 9:00-10:00 MDT (11:00-12:00 EDT), join the world famous ecologist, Willie Smits and his Orangutans deep in the jungle of Borneo (via Satellite), Emmy nominated film director Cathy Henkel in Australia and students from Edmonton, Alberta Canada as they share their stories about how you can join them on their journey to create a truly Sustainable World.

There are two ways to get involved:

-Interactive – bring your entire school and get one of six interactive spots (H.323 video conference capability is required)

-Observe – join via H.323 video conference or watch the session live via Livestream (pre-registration still required)

For more information, please contact

Terry Godwaldt
Education: Teacher
The Centre for Global Education, Queen Elizabeth High SChool
Education: K-12 School
Edmonton, Alberta
Phone: 7807004482

March - April, 2011