Monday, April 18, 2011

Grades 3-5: Share Facts About Mexico or Canada

Status Seeking Partners
Contact Information Elizabeth Zingaro
Technology Integrator
Wappingers Central Schools
Education: K-12 School
Wappingers Falls, NY
United States
Phone: (845) 298-5000 ext. 161
Objective of Collaboration Our Grade 4 Class is looking for another class to share what we have learned about Mexico or Canada.
Each class will conduct a 5-10 minute presentation on Mexico.
Teachers will collaborate via e-mail on topics presented such as currency, geography, interesting facts, etc.

Agenda the day of the conference:
I. Brief introduction of the area in which you live. Present a map to show us your location.
II. Classes will present their country.
III. Question and answer time. Teacher will have 2-3 questions ready to ask the other class.
Sound good?
Time Frame May 2011 - June 2011
Target Audience Education: Grade(s): 3, 4, 5
Disciplines Language Arts/English, Social Studies/History
Technology IP,

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