Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Grades 6-8: EcoConversations: Asian Carp Discussion

Description:Middle and high school students connect to discuss current environmental issues and their impact locally. Students present their research and the local perspectives and then discuss the issues with the partner class.

We need 5 partners to discuss the Asian Carp issue with us. We'd love to connect to students along the Illinois River, or anywhere that you have the Asian Carp issue. If we can't get classes close to that area, we'd be happy to connect to any other class studying this issue.
Dates:We're thinking May 9 and 10, can negotiate. Need 5 partners: 7:35; 8:35; 9:35; 11:15, 12:15 Eastern
Sign up method:Website Website: http://ecoconversations.wikispaces.com/Participating+Classes
Grades:6, 7, 8
Subjects:Science (Life), Science (Earth)

Janine Lim
Phone: 269-471-7725x1101
Berrien RESA
Time Zone: GMT-5: Eastern Standard Time