Elementary Inventors - Grades 1-2
Contact: Kim Goodrich - kgoodric@bangorvikings.org - 269-427-6863
Description: | Each class will make a list of problems or things that could be created to make their lives easier. Students will work in small groups to build a model of their invention. During the video conference each class will take turns sharing their groups invention. They will tell 1.what they invented 2.why they invented it 3.and give a brief description of how it would work. | Dates: | Between Feb. 15 and Feb. 27 from 9-2:30 EDT | Sign up method: | email: kgoodric@bangorvikings.org | Grades: | 1, 2 | Subjects: | All Subjects | Outcomes: | Students will understand key vocabulary of past, present, and future. Students will learn how inventions have changed our world. Students will be actively engaged while working collaboratively to solve a problem. | Preparation Time Frame: | You will need a few class periods prior to the connection to prepare your presentation and a 45-60 minute video conference. | Methods and Activities: | Each class will alternate their invention presentations. The class not presenting will record the invention by drawing or writing something about that invention. Students could note if they found that invention useful, what problem was solved, what they liked about the invention etc. | Responsibilities: | Teacher: Teacher will need to collect a variety of materials for students to use to create their model of their invention (boxes, sticks, containers, pipecleaners etc.) Teacher will have to coordinate group work so that all students are involved. Students: Work cooperatively as a group. | Agenda: | 5 min. Welcome and introductions. Each class shares their location and brief information about their school. 3-5 min each. Interaction. Take turns sharing inventions. 5 min. Question and answer or comments. | | | | | | | | | | | |
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