Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Grades 2-3: Guess Who

Description:Are you looking for a learning opportunity for your second or third graders that integrates descriptive writing, art, technology, and tons of fun? Students will begin preparation for their connection by drawing their face using principles of Art. After the drawing is done, students will write a short descriptive piece about their art detailing their characteristics.

On the day of the connection students will gather in groups and each teacher will show one drawing. After reading the description, students from the connecting site will guess which student created the drawing and writing. Finally classes will have time to get to know each other through questions and answers.

How to Participate:

1. The day of the connection students should be divided in groups of 3- 5 depending on size of class. You will only select one picture from each group of students.
2. Once the connection begins, have each school introduce themselves.
3. Decide which classroom will go first. That classroom should have their first group of students (holding numbered index cards 1-4 or 1-3…) line up in front of the camera, and the teacher or host should hold up one of the students pictures. After the host reads the description of the student, the far site may 'guess who' by guess number the student is holding. As the groups are small, there should be a one or two guess limit.
4. Have the student step forward whose picture was shown and introduce themselves. Have each person still standing do the same.
5. Switch sides- it's the other classes turn to send their first group forward.
6. Repeat until each group has had a turn to stand in front of the camera and introduce themselves.
7. Spend time that is left getting to know each other with questions and answers. It's always a good idea to brainstorm a list of possible questions before the connection.
Dates:Between February 28th and March 16th 9:00 AM- 11:45 AM and 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Sign up method:Exploding Collaboration
Grades:2, 3
Subjects:Elementary All Subjects, Fine Arts, Language Arts/English, Performing Arts, Technology/Information Science

Danielle Letter
Phone: 989-777-1600 ext 328
Atkins School
Time Zone: GMT-5: Eastern Standard Time