Thursday, August 19, 2010

Grades K-4: Video Pals

The elementary, K-4, school that I work at has Tandberg distance leraning equipment. We are looking for partners for all grade levels, we have 3 - 4 sections per grade, to meet at multitple times for multiple purposes. In the past we have met both monthly for an entire school year with the same class or met based on the needs of a single project.

We are located in central New Jersey and are looking for people outside of the tri-state area and USA.

Please let me know if you are interested by going to the wikispaces:

Arielle Goldstein
Bayberry Computer Teacher

Monday, August 16, 2010

Grade 4: Writing Project

Description: Writing is an important part of fourth grade. During this project, students will work through the "Writing House" program. Students will work together and respond to each other's writing. There will be numerous video conferences to allow students to share in the writing process. Students will be able to access and respond to prompts on a website, as well as view podcasts detailing the program components. Please email me by September 1st, so we may detail our lesson plans.
Dates: September 15 2010 - March 11 2011
Sign up method:Email:
Grades: 4
Subjects: Language Arts/English

Paul Erickson
Cell: (254) 290 - 7775

Grades 10-12: Health Career Exploration

Objective of Collaboration   H.S. class that meets from 8-9 MST is interested in connecting with another class to discuss topics in Health Career Exploration.
Time Frame   September 2010 - November 2010
Target Audience   Education: Grade(s): 10, 11, 12
Disciplines   Career Education, Health/Physical Education
Technology   IP,
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Grades 6-9: Spanish Class Collaboration

Objective of Collaboration Seeking Middle School Spanish exchange to practice Spanish. We would be interested in conversing and competing for fun and review. Using the Expréstate series would help but not necessary. We are open to ideas!
Time Frame August 2010 - December 2012
Target Audience Education: Grade(s): 6, 7, 8, 9
Disciplines Foreign/World Languages
Technology IP,
Contact Information Mindy Albertbergen
Education: Teacher
Lakeland schools
Education: Middle/Jr. High
Shrub Oak, NY
United States
Phone: (914) 245-1885

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Grade K: Kindergarten Pals

Objective of Collaboration I am looking for another kindergarten class to collaborate with. We would send letters (whole group, 1 big letter signed by all with the possibility of class books made by the kids, etc) through the mail. However, I would also like to use our tandberg to videoconference so that the children could meet each other a few times a year.
If possible, I would like to do this with a class that is quite different in terms of weather, climate, etc. For example, my school is in upstate NY and we get lots of snow!!
If interested, please let me know. The children do not start school until September 7th and I was thinking that we would send our first class letter around the end of September/the beginning of October.

Time Frame August 2010 - June 2011
Target Audience Education: Kindergarten
Disciplines Technology/Information Science, compare/contrast where we live, etc

Contact Information Janet Bunce
Education: Teacher
Mt. Markham Elementary School
Education: Elementary
West Winfield, NY
United States
Phone: (315) 822-6326

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Grade 1: Pen Pals/Video Pals Add to Favorites

Objective of Collaboration I am looking for several first grade classrooms who would want to be video pals and pen pals throughout this school year. Our school is in Virginia. I have several first grade teachers who are looking for another classroom to collaborate with. We would love someone in our timezone so it could be easier to video conference with throughout the school year.
Time Frame August 2010 - June 2011
Target Audience Education: Grade(s): 1, K-12 Educator
Disciplines Best Practice, Character Education, Mathematics, Problem Solving, Sciences, Special Education, Technology/Information Science
Technology IP, Internet 2,
Contact Information Jessica Carter
Education: Media/Technology Specialist
Spotsylvania County Public Schools
Education: K-12 School
Spotsylvania, VA
United States
Phone: (540) 834-4569
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Grades 8-12: Pen Pals for Low Performing High School Students

Objective of Collaboration I teach the Basic English class at my high school and would love these special needs students to be able to communicate with students from other schools. Most of the students have minor learning disabilities and read and write at a junior high level. I would be open to a set format of reading the same books and having the students write to each other about them or having the students communicate about their daily lives, politics, etc...... I am also very willing to provide a topic every month that the students can respond to such as cell phones in school, or school uniforms.
Time Frame August 2010 - May 2011
Target Audience Education: Grade(s): 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, K-12 Educator
Disciplines Language Arts/English, Special Education, Special Needs
Technology IP,

Contact Information Amanda Hansen
Education: Teacher
West Side School
Education: High School
Dayton, ID
United States
Phone: (208) 747-3411 ext. 419
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Grades 8-11: Spanish class videoconference

Objective of Collaboration I have 6 SPanish classes: 2 8th grade intro. classes, 2 11th grade soanish 1 and 2 12th grade spanish classes. I would like to collaborate with another Spanish class or class in a Spanish speaking country.PLease email me at if interested.
Time Frame August 2010 - May 2011
Target Audience Education: Grade(s): 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Disciplines Foreign/World Languages

Contact Information wendy rider
Education: Teacher
Education: K-12 School
woodland, AL
United States
Phone: (334) 202-0403
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Grades K-5: VC in English and other languages

Objective of Collaboration Hello. Our school is an elementary school located in Lafayette, Louisiana, and is named the World Languages Academy. We are looking for partners to interact through VC in English (regular classes preK-5), Spanish (immersion preK-5), French (immersion K-2) and Chinese (immersion K-1). If you are celebrating a particular event (multicultural day...), if you are proud of a science project and want to share it, if you want to learn more about another us!
Time Frame August 2010 - May 2011
Target Audience Education: Pre-K Students, Kindergarten, Grade(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Disciplines Foreign/World Languages, International, Language Arts/English, Mathematics, Problem Solving, Sciences, Social Studies/History

Contact Information Barbara Boutamine
Education: Teacher
Alice Boucher World Languages Academy
Education: Elementary
Lafayette, LA
United States
Phone: (337) 521-7610
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Grades 6-12: KC3~ Kids Creating Community Content 2011

Objective of Collaboration KC3 and the "3R's" - Rigor, Relevance, and Really Fun!
KC3 engages students from the beginning stages of choosing a topic to the rigors of research and development of a videoconferencing program. Find a topic relevant to your area or community and keep students engaged as they create their original 30-45 minute presentation. Students love to connect with authentic audiences and KC3 gives them that opportunity.

For more information visit the website: http:///

Time Frame August 2010 - March 2011
Target Audience Education: Grade(s): 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Contact Information Bev Mattocks
Education: Other
Indianapolis, IN
United States
Phone: (765) 435-2360
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Grade 9: World Religions

Objective of Collaboration My 9th grade classes are looking for experts from the main world religions to tell more about their religion and to field student questions.
Time Frame August 2010 - September 2010
Target Audience Education: Grade(s): 9
Disciplines Social Studies/History
Technology ISDN,

Contact Information Chris McAfee
Education: Teacher
De Soto USD 232
Education: High School
De Soto, KS
United States
Phone: (913) 667-6250 ext. 6035
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Grades 3-7: Science Ship-A-Chip

Objective of Collaboration I'm a science teacher in Florida and do a Ship-A-Chip project with my 5th graders in April/May. It is an engineering design project where students get one potato chip and design a box in which they can ship the chip through the mail without breaking. I work with 5 fifth grade classes.

I have always just shipped them from home to school, but this year I would like to send them somewhere else (your school!) and video conference (webcam) when you and your class open the boxes to see if the group's chips survived the journey. If you do this project too you can send them to us and we can open them here and assess the effectiveness of their designs!

I have lots of info on the project if you are interested in doing it with your students also, or you can just volunteer so we can send our chips to you. Thanks.
Time Frame April 2010
Target Audience Education: Grade(s): 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Disciplines Sciences
Technology IP, 

Contact Information Amber Thibedeau
Education: Teacher
Sunrise Elementary School
Education: Elementary
Palm Bay, FL
United States
Phone: (321) 674-6145 ext. 53279
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Grades 6-7: Immigration and the Rights and Responsibilities of American Citizens

Our sixth grade class begins the year studying the history of immigration to America. Our class would like to discuss current issues in immigration and is looking for a class fro to participate with us. We will explore the controversy and how legal and illegal immigration effects the rights and responsibilities of citizens of the United States. If you are interested in partnering up with us, please email me.\r\n\r\nWe would like to begin the week of September 6-10. We are flexible with the time frame but it must fall within 1-3 pm. CDT.
Sign up method:Email:
Grades:6, 7
Subjects:Social Studies/History
Outcomes:Texas TEKS(6.14) Citizenship. The student understands the\r\n relationship among individual rights,\r\n responsibilities, and freedoms in democratic\r\n societies. The student is expected to:\r\n \r\n (A) identify and explain the importance of\r\n voluntary civic participation in democratic\r\n societies; and\r\n \r\n (B) explain relationships among rights and\r\n responsibilities in democratic societies.\r\n(6.21) Social studies skills. The student applies\r\n critical-thinking skills to organize and use\r\n information acquired from a variety of sources\r\n including electronic technology. The student is\r\n expected to:\r\n(D) identify different points of view about an\r\n issue or topic;\r\n
Preparation Time Frame:Students should engage in research of the topic then spend 1-2 videoconference sessions discussing it with the partner class.
Methods and Activities:Preparation: Have students read and research the various sides of the issue and decide on their personal stance on the topic. Decide how to have students present their stance. Assign tasks and involve as many of your students as possible.
Responsibilities:Teachers will facilitate the discussion, but students will take turns participating. Students will present and comment on the topic. Students should be prepared to explain and support their discussion with facts.
Agenda:Agenda: 45-60 minutes \r\n\r\n5 min. Welcome and Each class shares their location and brief information about their school.\r\nVisuals: Use the document camera or PowerPoint to share a few pictures of local interest.\r\n\r\n15 min. Share Your Stance. Each student/group briefly shares their stance on the topic. \r\nVisuals: Illustrations enhance the experience if there is time.\r\n\r\n25-40 min. Discussion. Students from each class take turns discussing the issue. Students should include supporting facts and details from their research in all comments that they make. Participating classes may wish to assign a student facilitator for each class to assist in the flow of discussion.\r\n\r\n5 min. Debrief and Conclusion. After the discussion, teachers may wish to debrief and comment on the process and content/curriculum discussed. If time is available, students may enjoy asking each other questions about their respective locations.
Credit:Mrs. Donna White will be co-teaching this unit.

Jolene Lanier
Phone: 832-715-3336
Time Zone: GMT-6: Central Standard Time

Grades 9-12: Español

Description:Estoy buscando una clase de jóvenes de 14 a 18 años para que puedan hablar en español con mis alumnos sobre sus experiencias personales en el colegio, planes para el futuro, etc.
Dates:Desde agosto hasta noviembre
Sign up method:Email:
Grades:9, 10, 12
Subjects:World Language

Nancy Estes

Grades 9-12: Debates

Description: Debate the current issues of the day- Public Forum or Public Debate style.
Dates: August 23, 2010- June 1, 2011
Sign up method:Email:
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Subjects: Business, Career Education, Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Social Studies/History, World Language

Michael Cunningham
Phone: 512-386-3231
Time Zone: GMT-6: Central Standard Time

Grades 9-12: Mock Trial

Description: After school or during school (afternoon) mock trials. We are using South Australian mock trial cases. It will include two to three witnesses and two lawyers.
Sign up method:Email:
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Subjects: Business, Career Education, Fine Arts, Language Arts/English, Performing Arts, Social Studies/History, World Language

Michael Cunningham
Phone: 512-386-3231
Time Zone: GMT-6: Central Standard Time

Grades 11-12: Spanish and French/English Tandem e-mail

I teach Spanish to bilingual students (French/English) in a college in Québec City, Canada. I would like to organize and exchange with an ESL or FSL class from a Spanish speaking country or any other country. The main goal is to give the students a chance to practice and improve their L2 through an e-mail Tandem exchange during five weeks (between September and November 2010). This could be complemented with a videoconference and/or chat. If you are interested, I could send you a more detailed description of the activity.
Sign up method:Email:
Grades:11, 12, Undergrad, Grad
Subjects:Language Arts/English, World Language

Salvador Lopez
Champlain-St. Lawrence College