Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Gr 9-12 Collaborative Book Talks

We would like to participate in collaborative book talk sessions with high school students, teachers, and library media specialists. Book talks can be done by students and staff members. We'd really like to broaden our audience while learning about books that other teens are enjoying.

January 2011 - June 2012

Abbe Waldron
Education: Media/Technology Specialist
Regional School District No. 6
Education: High School
Litchfield, CT
United States
Phone: (860) 567-7410 ext. 130

Collaboration is from the CILC Weekly updates at

Gr 5-6 Chalk Art using Bill Peet Literature

We would like to connect with a school to present art creations made by our 6th grade classes with local chalk artist, Rachel Browning. Our students will be focusing their art efforts on The Wump World by Bill Peet. It is advised that your class become familiar with this book before the connection. Local chalk artist Rachel Browning will be teaching our students the importance of saving the environment using chalk as the medium. Students will focus on one environmental issue and depict the world through chalk artistry, both before and after the problem is solved. We invite you to connect with us to see their finalized art projects and listen to the narratives they have written about their drawings. Ms. Browning, chalk artist, will also be present at this connection. This connection is made possible, in part, with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts Local Capacity Building Program, administered in Jefferson, Leis, and St. Lawrence counties by the St. Lawrence County Arts Council.

May 10 and 11 from 12:30-1:30 EST

Grades 5-6

Registration is through CAPSpace 

Direct link -