Read Around the Planet 2011: A Project Matching Event!
TWICE invites you to participate in a celebration of reading using videoconference technology!
Classes can participate in English, or a variety of other languages, or special education.
Classes share skits, raps, original poetry/writing, songs, game shows, and more.
This is a CAPspace Matching Event. You sign up and we provide you a partner class.
Do NOT post a collaboration called Read Around the Planet.
Flyer: http://www.twice.cc/read/RAPflyer.pdf
Easy steps to register:
1. Teachers: Talk to your VC coordinator about participating.
2. Coordinators: Complete the verification process by JANUARY 7: http://www.twice.cc/verify/ 3. Teachers/Coordinators: Register your class(es). Do one registration per class with all the times that class can do.
Full information online here:
NEW UPDATED Teacher and Coordinator Packets:
Watch for RAP Emails:
1. Watch for an email after registering for RAP that confirms your registration.
2. You can also see your registration under My Projects, My Events.
3. Partner matches will be sent out the last week of JANUARY - please be patient.
Reminder: Collaborations vs. Projects
Remember there are two kinds of connections between classes in CAPspace:
1. Collaborations:
Teacher created
Post under Projects, Collaborations
Find your own partner
Create your own support materials
2. Projects (or Matching Events):
i.e. Read Around the Planet
Centrally managed and coordinated
Dates & times are already set
A partner class is provided for you
Support materials are already created for you
You sign up for all the times you can do; when the match is run, partners & times are assigned
We hope you can participate this year in TWICE\'s signature event, Read Around the Planet, which was the event that started CAPspace!
-The TWICE Projects Committee
Questions regarding Verification: verification@twice.cc Questions regarding Read Around the Planet: sue@twice.cc