Monday, September 20, 2010

Grades 5-8: CYBERBULLYING in School

To address the attitudes and behaviors associated with cyberbullying. Using a student generated " brain storming video conference session(s)
1. To raise student awarness of what cyber bullying is and why it is so harmful.
2. To discuss ways to equip students with skills and resources to treat each other respectfully when they use cyber technologies
3. To discuss how to use cyber technologies in a positive way.

Sessions are modeled after prevention models that are effective in decreasing negative behaviors

We are a school in the Eastern Time Zone, but will adjust video conference interactions ( if possible) to meet needs of schools in different time zones.
Time of day, number of meetings are open for discussion
Sign up method:Email:
Grades:5, 6, 7, 8
Subjects:Health, Science (Earth), Technology/Information Science
Outcomes:THe students will be able to
1. Identify examples of bullying- cyber bullying
2. Identify the effects of cyber bullying
3. Identify basic rules of netiquette for online communication
Preparation Time Frame:You will need a few class periods prior to the connection to prepare your presentation and a 45-60 minute videoconference.
Methods and Activities:Decide how to present the topic ( discussion, brainstorming)
Agenda:5 min. Welcome and introductions. Each class shares their location and brief information about their school.
Visuals: 30 min. Presentations. Each class shares a 15 minute demonstration and/or presentation on the assigned topic. Teachers should negotiate who will cover what to prevent duplication.

15 min. Question and answer. Each class has prepared questions for the other on the content and generates questions while/after listening to the presentation. After the content questions, if time remains, students may enjoy asking each other questions about their respective locations and schools.

Steve Brooks
Phone: 315 346 1211 ext 133
Beaver River CSD
Time Zone: GMT-5: Eastern Standard Time