Monday, August 15, 2011

Grade 4: Agriculture Education

Contact Information Pamela Galus
Education: Media/Technology Specialist
Education: Elementary
Omaha, NE
United States
Phone: (402) 457-5704
Objective of Collaboration We are a science magnet school in an urban area interested in any collaborations on agriculture. The students are 4th grade but could partner with older students to share information. Our students learn a great deal about dairy farming, corn growing and products, and much more they could share. FFA groups looking for projects would be ideal!
Time Frame August 2011 - November 2011
Target Audience Education: Grade(s): 4
Disciplines Career Education, Community Interests, Economics/Business, Family & Consumer Science, Health/Physical Education, Industrial Technology, Mathematics, Problem Solving, Sciences, Service Learning, Technology/Information Science
Technology IP,

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