Friday, December 16, 2011

Gr1 Shared Digital Storytelling

I am looking for 1st grade classes that are willing to help us create digital stories.
My first grade students will create the beginning, another class will create the middle, and a third class will create the end of the story.

Each student will draw a digital picture and record their voice telling their part of their story.
The teachers will then send the story on to the next class where their students will add their piece of the story.
This will be done one more time to add the ending until there is a complete story.
Students can then meet and share their stories and experiences with the classes.

Any digital drawing program that can export and image will work; the same is true with the voice recording. I can be help the schools decide programs to use if needed. 

February and May 2012

Arielle Goldstein
Phone: 908 755 8184
Bayberry Elementary