We are a group of 3 teachers from 3 high schools in Alaska who share content and have students collaborating on projects. We will have a teacher presenting a lesson called “The Real Vitas Bering” on February 1st 6 times during the school day. This will be a 40 minute lesson that will culminate with students learning that, as we combine modern technology with history small parts of the historical story change. In this case modern forensic science will show who Vitas Bering really was and that the history book you are using is probably not correct.
If you would like to participate let me know and we can discuss more detail.
We teach 10th grade world history - we are very interested in promoting this videoconferencing technology so we would open this up to any middle or high school class.
We are also very open to trading a lesson if you have a historical figure or lesson you would like to share.
Created By: |
| Greg Zorbas gzorbas@kpbsd.k12.ak.us Phone: 9072832153 KENAI CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL Time Zone: GMT-9: Alaska Time |
Posted from CAPSpace at http://projects.twice.cc