Monday, March 29, 2010

Grades 1-8: Earth Day Celebration!!!

Description:Would you like to be apart of our school Earth Day Celebration? You can watch and/or partipate in our celebration.... or share your celebration with us! We will have poetry, art, music and dance to celebrate Earth Day. Come join us! You can see our ECO-TRUCK made from pizza Boxes!
Dates:aprill 22nd 11:25 - 12:45 eastern time
Sign up method:Email:
Grades:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Subjects:Language Arts/English, Mathematics, Science (Life), Social Studies/History, Special Education
Outcomes:Students can be apart of the confernce and share poetry, art work, songs, dance and projects with our school. We will share what we are doing with your school. You will get to interact with students and learn whatthey will be doing to help the environment. Very interactive! Lots of fun! Come join us!
Agenda:There will be time for students to watch the video confernce and times for them to ask questions and show their work.

Michael Cerniglia