Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Grades 2-3: US Communities: Similarities and Differences

Description:We are a suburban community north of New York City looking for 2nd or 3rd grade classes in urban and rural communities that would like to vid. conf with our 2nd grade classes about the similarities and differences in the ways that we live. This could be a one time chat, or a series of conversations.
Dates:Between March 1 and April 30, Thursdays (9:45-12:15 & 1:30 - 2:30) or Fri (11:15-12:15 & 1:30-2:30)
Sign up method:Email:
Grades:2, 3
Subjects:Social Studies/History
Outcomes:Grade 2 SS Standards: My Community and Other US Communities. Hoping that our learners can understand how the differences in our types of community, geographic location, weather, etc. influence the ways that we live our lives.
Preparation Time Frame:Students should understand the different types of communities. I expect sessions to last approx 20 minutes.
Methods and Activities:Open to ideas. I would like the students to brainstorm the questions they have for the partner class and have the opportunity for both partners to have their questions answered. We will be using Google Maps to locate the partner school and look at the community's map for a discussion on the similarities and differences to our own community.
Responsibilities:STudents will formulate and ask questions. Teachers will facilitate.
Agenda:Agenda: 20-30 minutes (depending on class periods of participating classes)

5 min. Welcome and introductions. Each class shares their location and brief information about their school.
May share a few pictures of local interest.

15 min. Allow students an opportunity to ask prepared questions, and any additional questions that arise. Discuss similarities and differences of the two communities.

25-40 min.
5 min. Debrief and Conclusion. After the discussion, teachers may wish to debrief and comment on the process and content/curriculum discussed. If time is available, students may enjoy asking each other questions about their respective locations.

Linda Costelloe