I have a teacher who would like to collaborate with another classroom and practice Job Interviews with high school students. She would like the other class interview our students (for a job) and her classroom would interview the other class. She is looking to collaborate during 2 blocks- 8-9:15 Est and 9:30-11:00 Est. Please let me know if you would like to set something up. Optimally I would like to either work with the 11th-15th of April or the last week of April 25th-29th. Additionally, we cannot host an event, we would have to call you.
Dates:April 11-15th or April 25th-29th- 8:00-9:15 EST/9:30-11:00 EST
Sign up method:Email: badair@fcps1.org
Subjects:Business, Career Education, Family & Consumer Science