Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Grades 10-12: Regional Approaches to Teaching the Civil War

Contact Information Susan Monmaney
Education: Library Media Specialist
Montpelier High School
Education: High School
Montpelier, VT
United States
Phone: (802) 225-8020
Objective of Collaboration Do students in the North learn about the Civil War differently than students in the South? Are there different learning objectives in each region? What are considered to be the causes of the Civil War? Does that vary from region to region? What were the respective roles of slavery and states' rights issues?

We would like to have a dialogue with a school in the American South to discuss possible different approaches to learning about the American Civil War.
Time Frame March 2011
Target Audience Education: Grade(s): 10, 11, 12
Disciplines Social Studies/History
Technology IP,

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