Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Grades 4-6: Do You Use Number the Stars in your Classroom?

Status Seeking Partners
Contact Information Kellie Boutwell
Virtual Classroom Coordinator
The National WWII Museum
New Orleans, LA
United States
Phone: (504) 528-1944 ext. 351
Objective of Collaboration The National WWII Museum is looking to collaborate with teachers who have used Lois Lowery's book, Number The Stars, in their classrooms. We would like your input on what we could present to your students in the form of support information- what historical materials would be most helpful to you and your students in understanding the events that the characters in the book experience.
Time Frame March 2011
Target Audience Education: Grade(s): 4, 5, 6
Disciplines Best Practice, Character Education, Social Studies/History
Technology IP,

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